Woman reading in chair in front of window, looking happy due to buying a condo.

How to decide if buying a condo is right for you

Weigh the pros and cons before you make the big decision.

考虑买套公寓? It's important to know what you might be getting into. Here are some things to help you decide if condo living is right for you.


When you buy a condo, you own an individual unit within a shared complex. Unlike an apartment, you have the freedom to renovate and customize your space. 但, 你通常必须共用一两面墙, which gives you less privacy than a single-family home. Buying a condo means you agree to be a member of the homeowners' association (HOA) and must follow their rules and pay any required HOA fees.




  • 很少或不需要室外维护 ― Typically, you don't need to worry about things like lawn mowing, cleaning gutters or landscaping.
  • 位置 -与单户住宅相比, condo units are often in the middle of the action and close to dining and entertainment.
  • 更低的成本 ― Condos could be more affordable than other homes in the same area.
  • 设施 ― Every condo building offers different amenities (some charge extra fees), but some common amenities that you could enjoy are a gym, 池, 停车场, 社区的房间, 屋顶露台或宠物区.
  • 好邻居 ― Nearby neighbors and shared common spaces make it easy to meet new people and create a sense of community.





  • 利率 ― Condo mortgages may be higher than single-family home or townhomes, in part due to the added risk of being part of a shared complex. Loan requirements may be stricter with a condo than a home since you and the condo association must meet certain eligibility guidelines.
  • 费用 -在大多数公寓大楼里, t在这里's a required HOA fee that covers things like insurance, 公共区域的维修保养, 户外设施的维护或保养.
  • 缺乏隐私 -你的邻居很近, and you'll likely share walls and common spaces, so be prepared for less privacy than a single-family home.
  • 缓慢升值 -公寓倾向于 以较慢的速度升值 比单户住宅要好.
  • 规则 -公寓协会有各种各样的规则, 喜欢安静的时光, 宠物政策和草坪装饰品, so make sure all of the rules fit your lifestyle.


A special assessment is typically a large fee charged to cover a big project within a condo community, like a structural repair to the building or roof replacement. 如果你要买一套公寓, it's really important to know if a special assessment is in the future plans. If it is, t在这里's a chance the association fees could go up for a period of time to cover that cost.

What questions should I ask when buying a condo?

如果你决定看公寓的话, make sure to ask questions to help you decide if condo living is right for you.

  • 有业主协会或共管公寓协会的费用吗? If so, how much are they and when are they due?
  • 这些费用包括什么? Mowing, landscaping, parking, trash, water, etc.
  • 这栋公寓楼有多老?
  • 提供什么便利设施??
  • 在哪里可以找到关联规则?
  • 这栋楼有多少个单位?
  • 有多少单位是业主自住?
  • How many parking spots are assigned to each unit?
  • 有额外的存储空间吗?
  • 允许养宠物吗??
  • What type of outdoor maintenance (windows/doors) is typically done for each condo?
  • 如何处理特别评税?

Whenever you're ready to take the next step and buy a condo, be sure you're protected with 公寓pp王者电子官网. 这里有一个清单可以帮助你 了解所涵盖的内容.

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How to decide if buying a condo is right for you

Weigh the pros and cons before you make the big decision.


在你开始寻找新家之前, use this guide to learn what makes a condo different from an apartment.


A home inventory can expedite insurance claims process after theft, damage or loss.


Condo insurance coverage works in tandem with the condo association’s master policy. Learn how they work together to help protect you and your stuff.